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New Equipment Installation & Training of Staff
  1. Our lab has recently been equipped with the latest visual diagnostic technology. This new equipment will improve the lab's ability to diagnose visual impairments more effectively and provide better care for patients with complex eye conditions.
Bindura University of Science and Education (BUSE), Zimbabwe Visits SOVS-UCC

The Founding Dean of the School of Optometry and Vision Science (SOVS), Prof. Stephen Ocansey, has received the Vice-Chancellor of Bindura University of Science and Education (BUSE), Zimbabwe, Professor Eddie Mwenje, and his accompanying delegation to the University of Cape Coast (UCC). 

The visit was to find ways of strengthening the existing collaboration and enhancement of academic and clinical engagements between the two institutions.

School of Optometry Honors Outstanding Graduates at 57th Convocation Ceremony

The School of Optometry and Vision Science took part in the 57th Congregation Ceremony on the 11th December, 2024, a grand celebration marking the academic and professional achievements of its graduating class. The ceremony, held at UCC NEC auditorium brought together faculty, students, families, and dignitaries to honor the hard work and dedication of the graduates.

A major highlight of the event was the presentation of awards to exceptional students who distinguished themselves in various fields of academic and professional excellence.

A 3-Days Training program by Centre for Teaching Support, UCC

A 3-Days training program for newly recruited lecturers in SAHS was held on the 17th October 2023 at SAHS Meeting Room 1, CAALTC. The program was facilitated by Centre for Teaching Support, UCC.
The facilitators are;

  • Prof. Kofi Ayebi-Arthur,
  • Prof. Eric Anane,
  • Dr. Godwin Aboagye and
  • Dr. Kofi Acheaw Owusu.

The participants include;

SoPPS Training Workshop for Preceptors

The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences held a day workshop for its preceptors on the 1st of July, 2021 at CoDE Seminar room 2. Lecturers, some SoPPS staffs and participants from different health sectors were present. The workshop was chaired by the Dean of SoPPS (Prof Elvis Ameyaw).

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